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Liebes Team vom Villagio Nettuno wir danken euch für die schöne und wundervolle Urlaubswoche, ganz besonders bei Teresa die Perle des Restaurants

“Just returned from 10 days staying in our cute little pink beach bungalow with Michele and his wonderful staff as our hosts. I guess for us, it was a question of expectation. We had returned from 2 weeks all inclusive in a 5 star hotel in las Palma's recently, of course this was going to be a completely different holiday! We weren't expecting maid service or daily clean towels and dressing for dinner. We had read some unfavorable reviews, but in fairness We felt that all the management information about this accomodation and resort were really accurate, as were the photos. If you want budget accommodation for 2 adults and three kids, in a beautiful part of Italy, with v few other English tourists, then this is a great option. Ok, A few things are a bit tired... But, did nothing to spoil the enjoyment of this place really. We loved the laid back mellow pace to everything. The kitchen was fine, the veranda and view great, 2 bathrooms a bonus and the A/C a godsend. When approached, Michele and his staff talked us through trip options and walked us down to the marina to make our connections, all unprompted. The boat tour to Positano and Amalfi were so much better than I imagined. Ziara was amazing and so informative, and helpful when one of my children were stung by a jellyfish. The resort staff also talked to us about bus timetables to Sorrento etc and local trails to run. They even offered to take fresh bread orders for us in the mornings. The staff in the office and shop and restaurant were always helpful and polite and when one night we didn't have water, came to sort it within minutes. With three kids, I'd sent quite a few confirmation emails and questions to Michele prior to arrival, I have to say he responded in record time and was reassuring ( probably getting a bit sick of me?!). We backpacked years ago quite extensively through Australia and the south Pacific and the set up reminded us of places we stayed along the way. Marina Del Cantone is gorgeous. Lovely bars and restaurants and v laid back feel to the place.

un villaggio che e da invidiare x la gentilezza e la disponibilità del propietario michele e direi x tutto,bungalv ottimi,ristorante con un cuoco grandissimo lui e la moglie,inservienti sempre disponibili,supermercato fornitissimo,animazione discreta,insomma da andarci al più presto.

villaggio da sogno con un propietario disponibilissimo,come tutto lo staff,posizione magnifica,insomma tutto ok,

Simo stati in vacanza due settimane, che dire... posto meraviglioso, persone educate e SEMPRE disponibili, con ottimi servizi bar, ristorante, animazione e tutto lo staff in generale. Tutto questo grazie a Michele che ha reso il campeggio una grande famiglia.

“Michele and the staff at this village are so welcoming, to the point that my friends and I couldn't believe we had paid such a good price for such an incredible trip. The resort is sort of a neighborhood of small, brightly colored houses. We had a group of 6 and fit comfortably in our house, though we didn't spend much time in it besides sleeping. We had one king bed and 4 bunkbeds. The resort is located near the town of Nerrano (less than a 5 minute walk down the road), which has a beautiful strip of Italian restaurants overlooking the coast, and we ate at different restaurants every night. There's a SITA bus you can take for less than 2 euros that runs from Nerrano all the way to Sorrento (first and last stop), which is what we used for when we arrived and needed to get from Sorrento to the resort, to/from Sorrento on the day we ventured, and when we returned to Sorrento for our train back to Naples. It's a really winding, long drive but BEAUTIFUL, so the drive wasn't too much of an issue. Michele is the best host ever - going so far as to help us book a private, day-long boat tour to Amalfi, Positano, and grottos along the Amalfi Coast. Hands down one of the best vacations of my life, and all thanks to Michele and his staff! HIGHLY recommend!! :) ”

Vielen Dank für tolle Zeit, schöne Unterkunft und ausgesprochene Gastfreundlichkeit!!!

“Apartment is nice, as seen in the photos. Clean, everything works. Parking is covered and secure. Michele runs a few other accomodations nearby. One across the road and one next to Villa Calu. I felt like I stayed in a self-contained village. Loved the mini-mart that closes at 12mn. Restaurant also closes late, good and cheap food. Didn't have the time to go diving but dive shop is pretty active, saw divers going out every morning. Boat tours to amalfi towns as well. Awesome place to stay as a base for amalfi coast, sorrento, capri outings. Especially since Michele and the rest of his staff are efficient, hardworking and friendly. Best.”

Very nice location close to the beach with a stunning view of the sea from the room's balcony. Nice clean rooms and shower. Good parking in front of facility. Warm and competent welcome. Restaurant and shop in house.

Michele is very amazing that we got flight delayed and arrived 3am, but we are able to have our house ! That is the best thing after very long time traveling. Also the experience of accommodation is quite nice.

Great communication with Michele. The camping resort was nice in a quaint town. The staff was very kind. The restaurant food was good, and we liked that there was a super market on the premises. At the marina, there are boats to Capri and Amalfi for 40 euros on certain days. The Capri trip was very nice.

“Wow!! What an experience. My 3 brothers and I originally booked a mobile home for one night, and ended up staying for three.It was SO worth it. Beautiful views, a very short walk to the marina, central area and beach. We went snorkeling which I would highly recommend. The people were very kind and accommodating. In short: we would absolutely recommend this place, and hope to return!! ”

“Das Personal war immer sehr freundlich. Wir haben uns super wohl gefühlt. Von unserem Bungalow hatten wir einen wunderschönen Blick aufs Meer. Wir waren mit einem Mietwagen da ,haben diesen jedoch nur für An-und Abreise gebraucht. Ein Bus fährt direkt vor der Tür .Man kommt ganz entspannt in 50 min. für 1,20€ nach Sorrent. Von dort kommt man dann überall hin. Der kleine Laden und Bar hat bis nachts immer geöffnet. Es werden Touren mit dem Schiff nach Cabri und Amalfi angeboten . Also für uns ein wunderschöner Urlaub. Ein Dankeschön an das gesammte Team !”

“Great location, quiet area. Friendly staff, the accomodation, a mobile home, was fun and had everything we needed, also included in the one we had... a fantastic view over the sea! ”

“bungalow spazioso e pulito,staff cordiale,ottimo cibo al ristorante,e anche da asporto,prezzi al minimarket giusti,colazione nella norma.Sul posto si organizzano corsi ed escursioni x sub, e anche escursioni in barca molto suggestive x i luoghi della costiera Quasi tutti i bungalow hanno la vista mare..Da ritornarci!”

“Our stay at villaggio residence Nettuno had been fantastic. Great welcome from the owner Michele and his staff. There is a little supermarket to buy stuff and also a restaurant. Our breakfast was complete with many choices with a drink, croissant, cakes, yogurt, fruits,etc. Our bungalow was great, comfortable, spacious with everything we need to cook, and a terrasse surrounded by trees. The pebble beach was just down the camping with few restaurants by the sea. Nice area, out of the crowd of amalfi with picturesque village as massa lubrense, Marina di Puolo or Sorrento and offers many activities to do as hiking and diving. We couldn't find better place to feel really on holiday and enjoy the beautiful landscape of this region. I hardly recommend this villaggio residence Nettuno. Thank you.”

Caro Michele, Caro Alentino (istruttore), Cari tutti del villaggio Nettuno diving, GRAZIE di cuore per l'esperienza che ci avete regalato, ivi compresa la possibilità di fare la proposta di matrimonio sott'acqua che ha funzionato alla grandissima! Ci tenevo ancora a ringraziarvi, anche in anticipo per le foto che Alentino ha scattato sott'acqua e che spero ci metterete presto a disposizione, visto che segnano un grande passo e momento della nostra vita. Grazie di cuore e carissimi saluti, Alan & Krisztina

Liebe Tina, wir sind heute Morgen - dank Klaus - in sehr guter Verfassung in Bonn angekommen. Noch einmal ganz herzlichen Dank für die schöne Woche in eurem Bungalow Resort. Es hat Alles gestimmt - die Schüler haben noch einmal formuliert, wie gut die Tage bei euch waren - auch mit Martin und seinen Mitarbeitern. Wir werden die Schüler einen Bericht schreiben lassen - sicher auch mit Fotos. Bis dahin herzliche Grüße Ingrid Dotzauer

Liebe Tina, von meinem Kollegen Helge Raddatz habe ich Ihre Mail weitergeleitet bekommen. Ich möchte mich nocheinmal - auch im Namen des Geographiekurses der Hermann-Tast-Schule aus Husum - bei Ihnen für die gelungenen Tage im Feriendorf bedanken. Wir hatten eine gute Studienfahrt und den Schülerinnen und Schülern hat die Lage und Unterkunft besonders gefallen. Danke auch für die Unterstützung vor Ort. Herzliche Grüße aus dem Norden, Katharina Wüstmann

“Great Location, great people, good price! I recommend this experience to everyone want to explore the beautiful Amalfi Coast without stay in the busy Sorrento,Amalfi or Positano. This location is 15 min drive to Sorrento and you can get a ferry 3 times per week that can bring you to Capri, Positano and Amalfi! Very high recommend!”

“Sicuramente la vicinanza della spiaggia, sia libera che attrezzata, e la vista mare. Abbiamo apprezzato molto anche il parcheggio gratuito e la presenza di tanti contenitori per la raccolta differenziata. La disponibilità/cortesia/simpatia di tutto il personale sono, poi, la ciliegina sulla torta.”

“Bardzo dobra lokalizacja jeżeli chodzi o zwiedzanie całego wybrzeża Amalfi, Neapolu, Sorrento oraz okolicznych wysp np. Capri.”

“Mi sono piaciuti la posizione sul mare, la vista, l'organizzazione del villaggio, la disponiblità e cortesia del personale, l'animazione, l'appartamento confortevole e pratico, il parcheggio auto, la pizza, la possibilità di fare escursioni a Capri e sulla costiera amalfitana; snorkeling e sub.”

“2 gut organisierte Ausflüge nach Capri sowie an die Amalfiriviera wurden angeboten. Der kleine Shop war bis Mitternacht offen und hatte kalte Getränke. Möglichkeit zum Frühstücken, gute Matratzen”

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