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I would highly recommend Villagio Resort Nettuno to anyone looking for a relaxing beach vacation. The staff is extremely friendly and accommodating, and they gladly answered any questions we had. The resort itself has pretty much anything you'd need during your stay. There's a small shop that sells wine, beer, food, basic toiletries, souvenirs, etc. and it is all fairly priced. They also have a restaurant that you can either sit down at or order out from, and the food is great. The beach is less than a five minute walk from the rooms, and the grounds themselves are beautiful and tranquil. The price you pay is more than worth what you get when you go to Villagio Nettuno.

I first stayed here when I was fifteen, on a family holiday, and even though that was several years ago, and I have now left home, I came back for another family trip this summer, making it my third, and by no means last visit to this wonderful place. One of the things I most admire is that even though the resort is absolutely heavenly as it is, the staff and the owner are constantly working to improve it. Since our last visit they had put in a swimming pool, which was a great addition, especially in the warm weather. The restaurant was as good as I'd remembered, the risotto made from local lemons and the gnocchi are absolutely not to be missed. The staff are wonderful, no problem or service is too big or small for them to help you with, and they are a wonderful bunch, constantly upbeat. Even Michele, the charismatic owner, although he constantly seems to be busy on the phone or zooming around the campsite on his motorbike, always has time for a few friendly words with his guests. The campsite has its own private stone beach, which is very tranquil, and the clear, unspoilt water is wonderful for swimming, and, I am reliably informed, for diving. There are several walks through the nearby forests and mountains, with stunning scenery and difficulty levels ranging from a gentle stroll to "the walk of death." The nearby town has a lot to offer in terms of watersports, and is well served with public transport in case anyone felt the need to go into the city of Sorrento (about an hour, and 2.40 if I remember correctly, the bus ride is an experience in itself) for a bit of a city buzz and some shopping. It's also perfectly placed for excursions to Amalfi, Positano, and Capri. Staff were also extremely helpful when my brother needed to see a doctor during our stay. We are Irish and have very little Italian between us and so would have been at quite a loss if left to our own devices. There is only one thing that I would recommend, and that is they improve their internet facility, especially as the campsite is now featured on, and every other accommodation I have found through that site, which I use regularly, comes with free wireless internet as standard, and I imagine many of its clients who find the villaggio through it will expect this. However, I have noticed that throughout Italy, internet access does not seem to be as much a priority as in other European countries. It is also possible that the internet was a greater concern for me at the time I stayed there than for most travellers due to various commitments. However, a wireless router for the bar area should not cost too much, and would, I imagine, soon enough earn its keep as customers decided to do whatever they had to do online while they enjoyed a drink from the bar, which, along with the local wine and a fine selection of beers and spirits, also makes the finest mojitos I have ever tasted. Not to be missed: The "baby dance" is quite good fun to watch. We discovered it too late, but the resort would e absolutely fantastic for anyone with small children. Walk (or if you're feeling lazy, get the bus and walk back) up to Nerano, and you will find a small shop, with a smiling, opera-loving owner (you will know it!!) that doesn't look much but which will serve you a homemade lemon granita, which is indescribably tasty. His wife also makes a fine limoncello (advice: don't open it until you're back at the campsite!)

Hallo, hier sind die Bilder von unserem wunderschönen Urlaub im Villaggio Nettuno. Wir möchten uns für alles bei Euch bedanken: für die Dienstleistungen, das Restaurant und für die nette Unterkunft die wir gefunden haben. Das Schönste war (abgesehen vom Bootsausflug nach Capri und zur Amalfiküste), der Tag mit dem Schnorchelgang und der Biologie in der wundervollen Bucht von Marina del Cantone, und die einzigartige Befreiung der Meeresschildrkröten. Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis! Jochen Muller

Carissimo Michele, Vi mando le foto promesse ...un caro saluto da Pesaro e aspettiamo di riverdervi.. Salutiamo Teresa, Angelo, il grande Chef, Zoltan ,Gaetano e tutto lo staff! Andrei e Cristian Iliescu

Hei, Thank you for a nice experience, we loved Marina del Cantone :-)! Terhi, Kukka and Mona Myller

Ciao! I just wanted to write and say what a fantastic time we had at your hostel! It was a great experience and we hope to be back! :) Jacqueline Belanger

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