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ho trascorso un bellissimo week-end di pasqua e pasquetta 2013 consiglio vivamente il villaggio a famiglie con bambini e ringrazio lo staf

Wonderful place! Splendid view, fantastic clean water, nice comfortable bungalows and very friendly people. We stayed there with a big family, with small children, adults and grandparents and everyone was happy. A lot of restaurants around, easy and cheap connection to Pompei, Napoli, Sorrento etc. Great fish in a St. Agata fish shop which you can cook at home. Olive trees everywhere, vineyards - the place is a paradise.

Hi Michele, Thank you once again for your hospitality. Find attached a picture from our best camping. :-) We hope we can start the tour next year as well - I will let you know. Best regards from Budapest, Tamás

“Great place with very friendly people” We’ve just back from ours Holidays in Italy. We want to thank the whole Staff and the owner Michele for everything. Our plans were to show my Parents a part of Italy. We choose Amalficoast and Marina del Cantone bay. I must say, we all loved it and would recommended it to our friends and family ! We spent eleven, wonderful days in September in Villaggio Nettuno. We had a very comfortable bungalow for 4 person with air con, fully equipped kitchen, two separate bedrooms and terrace outside with a magnificent seaview (which we miss most now in Poland). The village is very close to the warm and clear sea, everywhere is green, Mediterranean flora. In the Villaggio Nettuno is very well equipped mini market, they make his own, good Pizzas and there is also one of the best restaurant we have ever been. Great traditional food, fantastic flavours for reasonable prices. My Father loved especially “Pasta alla Carbonara” and my favorite one was pasta with zucchini. The Villaggio is great situated, very close to Capri, Positiano & Amalfi to which we made very nice boat trips. Also there is a good public transport to Sorrento, from where it is easy to reach Pompeii, Herculaneum and Naples. We had wonderful time, saw beautiful places and met friendly people. So from Izabela, Marcin and our Parents big thanks to the Villaggio Nettuno & Grazie Michele !!!

Hi Mikele came across this photograph recently and rememberd that its been a while since we saw you. Best wishes Simon

Villaggio Nettuno is a beautiful place, to spend your holidays in pure relaxation. The village is very very close to the sea with beautiful views. Pebbled beaches and beautiful sea. The village has a policy of recycling everything it is kept very clean. We spent from the 18 July - 21 August almost a month in one of the mini apartments, with all home comforts, all working well from air con to a fully equipped kitchen Two bathrooms with showers, with two terraces out side where we had the most enjoyable evening with friends having barbecues and beautiful meals in pure relaxation. Everyone seems to moan about the beds in these reviews we spent a month there and they were comfortable. I was very impressed by Michele the owner who would go around the village everyday & night to make sure every thing was running smoothly for everyone. We went there as a family of 8 with one daughter who is disabled and in a wheelchair by having an apartment down below where the car park was wasn't that difficult to get to the sea it was very good exercise for us pushing her up some steep hills. The actual Village has everything you need from the mini market & Bar which is well equipped with everything you need from fresh bread in the morning fresh TRECCIA ( MOZZARELLA WHICH IS A COWS MILK CHEESE MADE IN SORRENTO ABSOLUTELY LUSH) fresh sausages , home made wine, pasta and fresh fruit and veg etc. Organization is excellent from the excursutions they have to take you to Positano Amalfi & Capri you could also have a course of diving with expert instructors. The village organised many events like grilled fish evenings. The village made great Pizzas and has one of the best restaurant we have ever gone to in Sorrento, traditional food genuine ingredients and fantasic flavours. The smaller children were also kept entertained all day by the fantastic team of children s entertainers. Discos every night with special DJ and local groups. My teenage girls loved it so much that when we left the started to cry. What is left to say but a big thanks to the Villaggio Nettuno & Grazie Michele the owner!!!

Ciao a tutti!!!!!Ringraziamo il Villaggio Nettuno perchè siamo stati BENISSIMO!è un gran bel posto, curato, accogliente, ben organizzato (anche la gita a Capri) e con un panorama mozzafiato!!!!!una settimana è volata purtroppo, ma torneremo! è senza dubbio un' esperienza da ripetere!Grazie Michele! a presto, saluti da Tivoli,rm.

Siamo stati due settimane di questo caldissimo Agosto 2012 al Villaggio Nettuno e le mie impressioni, uguali al resto della mia famiglia, sono queste: gli aspetti positivi, molto più importanti e principali, sono di certo il panorama (stupendo), il mare (meraviglioso), il ristorante (cucina prelibata), l'animazione (molto vivace e organizzata), la Pizzeria interna (pratica e attivissima), la spiaggia e stabilimenti (ordinati ed efficienti). Gli aspetti negativi, ahimè, purtroppo ci sono, ma sono assolutamente risolvibili e rinnovabili (la perfezione non esiste) e vengono rilevati subito e non solo da noi: la diffusa vetustà nella struttura del Villaggio, la piscina troppo piccola e non interrata, la cattiva ed inadeguata disposizione di accessori nei bungalows e nel patio vicino al gazebo. Inoltre l'antipatica presenza di fili e pali di varia natura che ostacolano molte volte la vista del panorama tra i più unici al mondo sicuramente. Io spero che la gestione, peraltro gentile ed efficente, si renda conto che un giusto e ponderato rinnovamento nel Villaggio è necessario in modo da cambiare un posto già di per sè bellissimo in un sito unico e fantastico. Comunque resta un Villaggio turistico di valore e da consigliare. Siamo stati, tutto sommato, bene ed abbiamo passato una delle vacanze più belle in famiglia. AUGURI.

Una vacanza stupenda dove abbiamo trovato ciò che cercavamo: tranquillità, cortesia e disponibilità di tutto lo staff oltre ad un mare cristallino. Affacciarsi al mattino e godere poi di quel panorama (quello della foto) ti fa incominciare già la giornata con un sorriso! Una menzione speciale a Guglielmo il pizzaiolo che, pur lavorando in condizioni difficili, è un grande professionista, una persona cortese e disponibile e fa delle pizze che non hanno nulla da invidiare a quelle del proprio pizzaiolo ... e questo, se mi consentite, in un villaggio è davvero tanto! Un abbraccio a tutti!

Wunderbarer Platz, toller Olivenhain, nur die Disko von 21-24 Uhr jeden Abend stört ein bisschen, Ansonsten sagenhaftes Panorama, Jürgen

Bellissimo posto balneare,speriamo che anche io e mia moglie possiamo ad Agosto farne parte,Ciao

Loved our holiday with you, incredibly peaceful, lovely people, beautiful scenery & a little peace of heaven on earth. Thank you all x

I just wanted to leave a short message, as its my 6 year anniversary this weekend!! We got married in Positano and stayed at Nettuno for a week, all of out friends and famly love it and we will definetly be back. Ps Thats us in the wedidng gallery!!

Schön. Aber bitte auf deutsch schreiben!!!

Dear Mikele! On behalf of the student group and myself I would like to thank you and your fantastic and professional staff for a wonderful time in Villaggio Nettuno. We discovery with you the best places of the Sorrento and Amalfi coast, one of the gem of the Italian charm. You all made our Italian visit full of good feelings and experiences. After we came back to school the students talked a lot about the visit with smile on their faces. Everything from the rooms, service, boat trips and what the chef made for us every evening was top quality. Thank you so much for your hospitality and kindness. We all wish you, your family and staff a good summer season. On behalf of the Elisabeth group from Oslo. Yours sincerely Anne Vinaes Assistant professor Faculty of Art and Design

The spot, set in beautiful surroundings in a really peaceful part of the Amalfi Coast. The boat trips to Capri, Amalfi and Positano direct from the village. The food in the restaurant (Spaghetti with clams) We planned on only one night but stayed for four. Loads to do and see and a swim after the days activities from the beautiful beach that adjoins the village. All topped off by a beer at the bar. Nice holidays in Sorrento and Amalfi coast. We will come back one day and tell to all our friends Steve and friends - Australia

Peaceful area of the Sorrento and Amalfi coast, birds chirping, sound of small stream bubbling. We were there in April, so there were not many other people there. Well-stocked minimarket, great coffee, beautiful views from many of the bungalows. It'a really hidden paradise of the Sorrento coast, like you advertise on the website. The Harrison - London

Dejligt sted. Ikke rigtig havudsigt fra vores villa, men ok. Hårtørrer skal man bede om, den er ikke på værelset...... først fundet ud af da vi forlod stedet. Joan Kressner, Ryomgaard (DK)

It was very close to the water, 100 meters away. The staff was kind and helpful and the food at the resturant was good. It is a great place to relax and is a true get away. It's the ideal place to discovery the Amalfi coast, Capri Island and Sorrento area. Nice holidays time. Jennifer Guard, Tulsa (US)

Beautifull tranquil environment compared to the rest of the peninsula of Sorrento and the Amalfi coast. Friendly staff on the whole. Diving, good restaurants in the village. Nice rooms with a wonderful view on the bay The best: the boat exursions to Capri island and to the Amalfi coast (with the stop to Positano and Amalfi). manou chen, amsterdam (NL)

Tutto molto bello, il posto, la cortesia della reception, l'animazione, il cibo e i servizi Immersi nel verde, con gli uccellini che cantano tra i tanti alberi di ulivo che ci sono nel villaggio. Sembra davvero di stare in un'altro mondo. I bungalows sono semplici e molto carini, ben attrezzati, tutti colorati e vicinissimi al mare. Le bellezze del posto non si discutono, specialmente la baia di Ieranto un posto davvero speciale e stupendo. Il ristorante è ottimo, con una qualità e prezzi molto migliori rispetto a quelli che si trovano nella piazzetta del paese (alcuni sono davvero esageratamente cari, per quello che offrono!). Stupende le escursioni con le barche per Capri e la Costiera Amalfitana. Il capitano e il suo staff sono davvero gentili e ti spiegano tutto. La cosa più vantaggiosa è che si parte direttamente dal villaggio, quindi la macchina la dimentichi, anche perchè a Sorrento, Pompei, Napoli e la costiera Amalfitana, andare in macchina è una tragedia, prima per il traffico e poi per i parcheggi, che costano una cifra. Consiglio a tutti di prendere le informazioni alla reception, dove sono gentilissimi e ti danno tutti gli orari per andare con i mezzi pubblici, dappertutto. Un caro saluto a tutto lo staff Alessandro Mastria, roma (IT)

Grazie a tutti voi per la bellissima vacanza al Nettuno. Le escursioni con la barca a Capri e Positano-Amalfi sono state stupende come lo snorkeling alla baia bellissima baia di Ieranto (che posto!!!) Particolari ringraziamenti a Teresa e allo chef Raffaele (ci avete fatto ingrassare!!!) per le prelibatezze del ristorante e le specialità di mare. Ci rivedremo l'anno prossimo, questo è sicuro! Tommaso, Andrea, alessandra e stefania di Torino

We stayed in a private bungalow and it was like having our own little house by the sea! Great view from our terrace, cheap place to stay, friendly staff, beautiful beach, excursion to Capri was very nice. The location it's perfect when you want to relax. We discovery the really Sorrento and the Amalfi coast with a lovely holidays time. Isabelle Harvey - UK

I loved our holidays in Sorrento and Amalfi coast at Villagio Nettuno. How they offered activities and tours for families and travelers. I loved how it was family oriented and quiet at night. It was a beautiful place to relax and to discover the Amalfi and Sorrento area. Amber Corcoran

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